26 August 2010

The Wedding Workshop

My 8th Wedding Workshop is all over again and it was a fabulous night. As always brides, grooms, mothers and bridesmaids were quite surprised in what they have learned. I wish them all well and Happy Planning! It should now be stress free.......

A big THANK YOU to all participating vendors and all the beautiful people who helped sponsoring the workshop.
Thank you to all the bloggers who helped me to get the word out.

 A special Thank you is going to Ms Polka from Polka Dot Bride for all her endless support and believing in me.

Thank you NK Photography and Anna Rose for taking all the fabulous photos!

1 comment:

  1. These are lovely photographs of wedding. Few months ago, I arranged my brother’s ring ceremony at one of beautiful wedding venues nearby. Hired a professional photographer and he took some excellent photographs of wedding. Everyone loved his work!
